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24 April 2021

Birth chart Reading
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What was the event about?

Scroll down to see videos from the event
An inspiring half day online workshop

Loving the self as we are…making peace with the experiences that shaped us ... and gently removing the labels given to us in our innocence, creates inner harmony and breaks the cycles of pain and anger.  This creative, deeply spiritual, and empowering healing space embraces all individuals wishing to explore a new approach to transcend challenging experiences of the past. As we heal and change, new opportunities emerge.


The aim of the afternoon was to create a supportive healing space to honour our past and our ancestors for this valuable journey, and at the same time embrace the call of the time to move on in ONENESS.


This event was an opportunity to honour and embrace the values inherent in the experiences that shape and connect us. It provided a sacred space for healing and for nurturing peace, through which we can rejuvenate and co-create Oneness as a response to the call of our time.

Enjoy our preview video!
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Healing with Movement Workshop.


An energising journey of healing the heart and mind through movement and reflection.


Pearl Jordan is Founder of The Rhythmic Remedy™ a movement inspired, holistic approach to Personal and Professional Development.  As a Performance and Wellbeing Specialist, presenter, writer, coach, and inspirational speaker, Pearl is known for bringing joy, energy and enthusiasm to any stage. 


Healing with Music Workshop.


An interactive “Joy of Drum Song” experience, this workshop is inspired by ancient songs in voice, calabash, shaker, djembe, rhythm and movement, that manifests and uplifts people to come together to celebrate and connect within and around.


Nadia Al Faghih Hasan (Sister Nadia).  Nadia studied music in West Africa and currently, sings and drums with the group, “Kan Beng – One Voice” with North African, Mandinka, Middle East and Jamaican influences!  She engages in sacred community well being, performance, story telling and team building, and interacts with people of all ages and abilities.

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Healing with Art Workshop.


In this workshop you will have an opportunity to collectively create a piece of artwork called 'looking up', unpacking and moving on setting self free. Bring crayons, coloured pencils, markers or paints & brushes, glue stick and plain paper.


Pearl Smith was brought up in a large, traditional, Jamaican household in Wolverhampton.  She started painting for herself in 2010, and began sharing her work, and painting with others when she felt confident enough to call herself an artist.  Using mainly acrylics, she paints from imagination, life experiences, desires and dreams on a foundation of love.

Instagram: artsofblackpearl     Facebook:  Arts of Black Pearl

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Healing with Poetry Workshop.


This poetry workshop offers tools and tips, to open your heart and soul; express your feelings, hear your inner voice and communicate insights and healing for self and others.


Angela Harvey, aka Poppy Seed is a writer.  Her soulful, moving, and environmentally friendly performance poetry is musical and well crafted, embracing culture and compassion. She has captivated audiences for over 25 years.



Spiritual Tools Discussed During the Event
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Wordle Graphic of Participants' Feedback
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Register for Honouring Wisdom
yearly Transit Reading

Register for "Our Next" Online Event

Saturday 30th October 2021 - 2:00 to 5:30 pm (BST)
The event is free but pre-registration is required.

Clicking above will send you to a secure zoom link to register for the event. 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

© 2024 Embracing Oneness Project, GCH, BKWSU

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